And it's the same thing every day...after day after day after day after day. I have to remind myself that it's "up the river, not across the stream" when I hear people expect our politicians to "change" the institutional corruption and ineptitude of politics simply because we all believe that "Yes, we can". Even as the new President pours sweet honey in our ears, he and the rest of the federal government continue a tradition of disappointment.
- Promising change, President Obama nominates a cabinet dominated by former Clinton cabinet members and federal politicians.
- Our Vice President brow beats me by saying it's my patriotic duty to pay more taxes while he donates to charity the same amount of money as I do even though he made 20 times my salary in 2008!
- The man who now controls the IRS is a tax cheat.
- The nominee for HHS, who has for years as a senator fought for higher taxes is also a tax cheat (although, he does have cute Harry Potter glasses).
- Democrats extort us to pay higher taxes to help those less fortunate but never lead by example by volunteering to pay more than the minimum. You really want to force me to do something you are not willing to do, yourself?
- When in power, Republicans tried to out Democrat the Democrats only to just now decide that we need to spend less and fight the growth and intrusion of government. Seems like principles are a matter of convenience. And after driving this car straight for a cliff, they have decided they would rather ride in the back seat.
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